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Mi365 Daily Intentions

Jan 28, 2021

What is your definition of winning? Is that what we are indeed here to do? It is so important that we start thinking about how winning a process is, not a destination.

The world around us is not the same as the one, most of us are used to, all of its systems are being forced to change and we have to adapt along with it...

Jan 27, 2021

Just whose rules are you playing by? In podcast three, we take a closer look. Humans are born very dependent on others. We are so for a few years until we learn to develop on our own, till we develop independence. That independence stems from a want for our ‘need’ of things to be met.

We as humans need to have...

Jan 20, 2021

Choosing The Game That You Are Playing

In Podcast two (of four), we are looking at happiness. What is true happiness and just how far will we go to achieve it?

I want to discuss the ‘happiness equation’, this is something I worked on with a group of psychologists for a TV programme. By using the equation, it allows...

Jan 12, 2021

What game are you playing?

Now is the time to re-evaluate, re-position and, re-design for the new year. The events of last year and I firmly believe that we will not return to the old ways of acting and being. The world that was being predicted for ten years ahead is here today.

So, it’s time for a new game?

Life is a...

Jan 5, 2021

“I think it's just important for people to just not sit at home on their couch. .. They have to just find what works for them and they can do it at any age in life” - Ashley Hromyak

A fitness fanatic, a fitness goddess whom I’ve been following for quite some time.  Ashley Hromyak is super inspiring in helping and...