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Mi365 Daily Intentions

Jan 20, 2021

Choosing The Game That You Are Playing

In Podcast two (of four), we are looking at happiness. What is true happiness and just how far will we go to achieve it?

I want to discuss the ‘happiness equation’, this is something I worked on with a group of psychologists for a TV programme. By using the equation, it allows people to see what areas within their lives could be adjusted, to bring more happiness, sounds amazing, right?

However, it is important to focus and consider at depth, are you really happy? Happy with where you are? Where you are heading? Or are you settling, drifting along, When really you could and should be holding out for a deeper longer lasting fulfillment.

Many people struggle to answer when asked,  ‘What is your life’s purpose?’. Many seem to worry that their ideas will not match up with what is expected of them. As they simply do not aspire to conform, they do not wish to fill a gap society has so neatly provided for them.

Be brave, be focused enough to stand up and say, ‘This is my purpose… and these are the steps I’m going to take to get there’.

If you could do anything, perform any job role, (and I mean anything), what would it be? Something that you would pay for the privilege of doing. I love to inspire, so for me, it would be connecting with people, through speaking events, live videos etc.

Have a think about what you would choose?

In most religions, ancient philosophies even scientists, all around the world, have recognised that by living a virtuous life, (by this I mean having a moral code to guide you) you are much more likely to thrive and live a more fulfilled life. Now, who would not want that?

We all have our struggles in life, and from these, we have to draw wisdom, because these struggles are what have taught us skills and have equipped us with the tools to move our lives forward.

What is wildly important to you right now? And what do you do every single day to keep you on track? Because it is the small things, we do every day which makes the biggest changes in shaping our future.


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I help everyday people achieve their goals & dreams!   Helping and coaching people in my expertise. It is VERY satisfying to change people’s lives so they improve and change their health, finances, relationships, confidence, and mindset.   

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About Pete Cohen:

Pete Cohen is one of the world’s leading life coaches and keynote speakers. Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world have been motivated and inspired by Pete’s presentations. He has professionally impacted the lives of thousands of people worldwide, including business executives, professional athletes, and everyday people.  Pete focuses on the importance of closing the gap in our lives between where we are and where we want to be, both personally and professionally. 

It’s then all about coaching you to remove the obstacles that are in your way and helping you install the habits of success.  

Pete is the author of 19 published books, several of which have been best-sellers across the world, including Shut the Duck Up, Habit Busting, Life DIY, and Sort Your Life Out. He has also presented his own show on TV called The Coach and was the resident Life Coach on GMTV for 12 years. His new book Inspirators - Leading The Way In Leadership is available for free here -


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